Este é o momento em que um voo da Finnair abortou um pouso no aeroporto de Manchester em meio a ventos fortes da tempestade Pia. O voo de Helsinque deveria pousar no aeroporto de Manchester na manhã de quinta-feira (21 de dezembro). O voo deu uma volta – procedimento padrão – e pousou na segunda tentativa pouco antes das 10h.
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A tempestade Pia levou ventos fortes e chuva. Rajadas de até 80 km/h atingiram a Grande Manchester.
@manchesternews This is the moment a Finnair flight aborted a landing at Manchester Airport amid high winds from Storm Pia. The flight from Helsinki was due to touch down at Manchester Airport on Thursday morning (Dec 21). The flight made a go around – a standard procedure – and landed on the second attempt shortly before 10am. Storm Pia is sweeping across the UK today – bringing strong winds and rain. Gusts of up to 50mph have hit Greater Manchester this morning, with strong winds of around 40mph predicted to last through the whole day. As the storm sweeps over the country, a Met Office yellow weather warning is in place for wind. The warning came into force at midnight. It was due to last until 9pm but in an update, the Met Office brought its end forward to 3pm, saying: "With the strongest winds occurring this morning, the warning end time has been brought forward as winds slowly ease and impacts become less likely." Click the link in bio for more 🔗 #Manchester #ManchesterAirport #StormPia #goaround #windy #airport #manchestereveningnews ♬ original sound – Manchester News